Amer i can and Jap a nese Women Use
In this lon gi tu di nal study, preg nant women in Japan and the United States reported on three cop ing strat e gies. Two are indi vid u ally phrased: per sonal influ ence over out comes and accep tance of out comes. The third, social assur ance, is grounded in rela tion ships, not ing that close oth ers can influ ence out comes. A Euro pean Amer i can sam ple rated accep tance high est as a strat egy, whereas Jap a nese women rated social assur ance high est. For Amer i cans, accep tance cor re lated with better preg nancy out comes (less dis tress over time, better pre na tal care, and less weight gain). For Jap a nese women, social assur ance pre dicted a more pos i tive mater nal rela tion ship. Accep tance cor re lated with less Time 1 dis tress in both sam ples. Sur pris ingly, per sonal influ ence gen er ally did not pre dict pos i tive out comes in either sam ple, per haps because nor mal preg nancy is a time-lim ited event with a pos i tive prog no sis. The find ings are con sis tent with the view that well-being is related to indi vid ual vari ables in the United States but also to features of social relationships in Japan.
منابع مشابه
Com Parison Affec Tive Dis Po Si Tions toward Crit I Cal Thinking across Chi Nese and Amer I Can Bac Ca Lau Re Ate Nursing Stu Dents Intro Duc Tion
AB STRACT: The pur pose of this cross-cultural study is to under stand and com pare affec tive dis po si tions toward crit i cal think ing across Chi nese and Amer i can cul tures. Two con ve nience sam ples of 214 and 196 under grad u ate nurs ing stu dents were obtained in Tai wan and the USA, respec tively. The Cal i for nia Crit i cal Thinking Dis po si tions Inven tory (CCTDI) was used to ...
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